to Kimberly’s 1 year Blogaversary! You have reached stop #16 on this great blog
should have come here from:
Kelleher - http://love2createitall.blogspot.com
you have just stopped here and would like to join us, please go to http://scrappingrookie.blogspot.comand
join the fun!
to usher in Spring, Kimberly had us do something that reflects birth and
renewal in pastel and floral colors!
have a wonderful group of sponsors that want to have "Spring" too …please
take the time to stop and visit each one of the sponsors. They have graciously
donated their talent for this hop.
3. Mickie
Burks Osman ~ a paper pack and some stamping goodies
4. Lucy
Kelleher ~ Close To My Heart ~ December Stamp of the Month (http://love2createitall.blogspot.com)
5. Nikki
Schiltz Calmes ~ Paper Piecings by Nikki ~ $25 credit to Paper Peicings by Nikki
are a lot of great gardeners along the path, so this hop is two days, so, so
sit back, relax and take your time browsing each garden. To be eligible for the
blog candy, you must follow Kimberly’s blog. Other bloggers may have additional
requirements if they offer individual blog candy.
little inspiration from Kimberly: “I can hardly believe I have been blogging
and showcasing my crafts for a year now!!! I've grown just like spring and
learned so much as I have traveled the crafting path. I am sure you will be as
impressed with the talent from these crafters as I am.”
(Please note, that unless specifically mentioned,
my materials come from my own personal stash. If you have a particular question
about a particular embellishment, please comment and I will do my best to
answer it for you!)
Next, I needed a leaf base for the
roses. Again, I found my answer on the Accent Essentials cartridge. I used the
four pronged star cutout, blacked out, so I got a solid middle. I folded the
end of the leaves in the middle and folded them upwards and hotglued to the
roses. I rolled the leaves under to give them a more lifelike appearance. I was
pleased with the prototype, except dimension and color contrast (….did I mention my fear of pastels?
) so I inked the edges of the cut spirals with varying colors. Some I inked a
little darker, like pink on pink, and some, I got experimental with, using blue
ink on yellow paper, etc. The results were absolutely beautiful, as you can
see. I comingled in a few small daisies with adhesive gemstone centers and some
folded roses that I made using the flowers and leaves from Spellbinders® Rose
Creations designed by Donna Salazar. Each folded rose consists of 6 layers of
the varying sizes using a double fold technique.
Despite the intricate weaving and the flowers, the basket looked bare on the outside. Trying to think of what to add, I thought that smaller roses on vines was in order. I trimmed some extra spirals that I had down to make smaller roses, cut vines and flower stems and leaves from the Bloom cartridge and went back to basics for the fence….George Basics and Shapes that is. I used the tag shape and the rectangle shape to create the picket fence in Cricut Craft Room.® The grass I added from the Plantain Schoolbook cartridge. I like dimension, so I folded the leaves and rolled the grass blades. I wove the vines in and out of the fence and attached the flowers, including some smaller daisies for uniformity. I added some swirls of pink and purple paper ribbon that coordinated with the paper ribbon I used for the band around the top of the basket. I am quite pleased with the end result. Lessons have been learned, techniques perfected, and I can proudly say, that thanks to Kimberly’s challenge with pastels, I have the confidence to move forward with the unfamiliar and, as long as I’m not afraid to make it mine, I'll conquer it.
Thank you for stopping by and remember "think spring" and have that "spring fling"!! I hope you have enjoyed seeing my creation for Kimberly’s blogaversary! Don’t forget to “follow” my blog and leave a comment before you spring on!
Your next stop along the way on the garden path is www.kadoodlebugdesigns.blogspot.com.
Happy hopping!
Sunshine, Raindrop, and Rainbows and Flowers